Year 5
Click below for overviews of the English Curriculum in Year 5:
English Overview 2024-2025
Li Below is an overview of the topics that are covered in Science in Year 3.
Living things and their habitats
Pupils will be taught to:
- describe the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird
- describe the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals
Animals, including humans
Pupils will be taught to:
- describe the changes as humans develop to old age
Properties and changes of materials
Pupils will be taught to:
- compare and group together everyday materials on the basis of their properties, including their hardness, solubility, transparency, conductivity (electrical and thermal) and response to magnets
- know that some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution and describe how to recover a substance from a solution
- use knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated including through filtering, sieving and evaporating
- give reasons, based on evidence from comparative and fair tests, for the particular uses of everyday materials, including metals, wood and plastic
- demonstrate that dissolving, mixing and changes of state are reversible changes
- explain that some changes result in the formation of new materials and that this kind of change is not usually reversible, including changes associated with burning and the action of acid on bicarbonate of soda
Earth and space
Pupils will be taught to:
- describe the movement of the Earth, and other planets, relative to the Sun in the solar system
- describe the movement of the Moon relative to the Earth
- describe the Sun, Earth and Moon as approximately spherical bodies
- use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night and the apparent movement of the Sun across the sky
Pupils will be taught to:
- explain that unsupported objects fall towards the Earth because of the force of gravity acting between the Earth and the falling object
- identify the effects of air resistance, water resistance and friction that act between moving surfaces
- recognise that some mechanisms, including levers, pulleys and gears, allow a smaller force to have a greater effect
Below is an overview of the topics that are covered in Computing in Year 5.
Internet Safety
Learning how to stay safe online is taught throughout all of our Computing units and as stand-alone lessons. It is also integrated into the PSHE curriculum and assemblies. The topics covered are:
- Self-image and identity
- Online relationships
- Online reputation
- Online bullying
- Managing online information
- Health, wellbeing and lifestyle
- Privacy and security
- Copyright and ownership
We also participate in many discussions and events during ‘Internet Safety Week’ and keep children’s knowledge up-to-date with the current changes in technology so they can stay safe online.
Computing systems and networks
Children develop their understanding of computer systems and how information is transferred between systems and devices. They explain the input/output and process aspects of a variety of different real-world systems. Children discover how information is found on the World Wide Web, through learning how search engines work (including how they select and rank results) and what influences searching, and through comparing different search engines.
Programming A- Selection in physical computing
In this unit, children use physical computing to explore the concept of selection in programming through the use of the Crumble programming environment. They will be introduced to a microcontroller (Crumble controller) and learn how to connect and program it to control components (including output devices — LEDs and motors). Children will be introduced to conditions as a means of controlling the flow of actions in a program. At the end of the unit, children will design and make a working model of a fairground carousel that will demonstrate their understanding of how the microcontroller and its components are connected, and how selection can be used to control the operation of the model.
Creating media- Video production
Children learn how to create short videos in small groups. They will be exposed to topic-based language and develop the skills of capturing, editing, and manipulating video. Children are guided with step-by-step support to take their idea from conception to completion. At the end of this unit, they reflect on and assess their progress in creating a video.
Data and information- Flat-file databases
This unit looks at how a flat-file database can be used to organise data in records. Children will use tools within a database to order and answer questions about data. They will create graphs and charts from their data to help solve problems. They will also use a real-life database to answer a question, and present their work to others.
Creating media- Introduction to vector graphics
In this unit, children start to create vector drawings. They learn how to use different drawing tools to help them create images. Children recognise that images in vector drawings are created using shapes and lines, and each individual element in the drawing is called an object. They then layer their objects and begin grouping and duplicating them to support the creation of more complex pieces of work.
Programming B- Selection in quizzes
Children will develop their knowledge of ‘selection’ by revisiting how ‘conditions’ can be used in programming, and then learning how the ‘if… then… else...’ structure can be used to select different outcomes depending on whether a condition is ‘true’ or ‘false’. They represent this understanding in algorithms, and then by constructing programs in the Scratch programming environment. Children then use this knowledge to design a quiz in response to a given task and implement it as a program.
religious education & British values
Below is an overview of the topics that are covered in Religious Education in Year 5.
In Year 5 we will look at inspirational people. Which people inspire us and why? What did they do and what is their importance? Students will develop their knowledge of religious leaders of the world and the position of local community religious leaders and their significance. We move onto beliefs and questions, for instance – what do religions say about right and wrong or truth and honesty? Finally, we will look at sacred places and pilgrimage to understand why people make special journeys for their faith.
Below is an overview of the topics that are covered in History in Year 5.
The Tudors
This unit focuses of 1485-1603 and the five monarchs that made up the Tudor Dynasty. The children will focus on Henry VIII, sifting through evidence to form opinions on the infamous monarch whilst learning about his six wives. The children will understand how the different Tudor monarchs help to shape Britain. The unit finishes with a trip to Hatfield House, the former residence of Queen Elizabeth I.
The Reformation
Continuing with the topic of the Tudors, Year 5 will learn about a major turning point in European history: the Protestant Reformation. The children will learn about Martin Luther, giving them the opportunity to place the reformation in its wider context, allowing them to understand how the history of Europe and the wider world, can have a big impact on life in Britain. The children will learn about the dissolution of the monasteries, the resulting riots and how Protestantism changed over time.
This unit starts with the creation of a giant timeline, helping the children to create a chronological understanding of the history of Britain. They will learn what BC and AD mean and the major civilisations that helped forge the nation. They will learn that the Anglo-Saxons arrived in the 5th Century and helped establish monasteries – such as Lindisfarne. Children will create their own Anglo-Saxon rune, learning how language has changed over time. They will begin to understand how we use different sources to learn about the past, including – as they find out about Sutton Hoo - the use of archaeology.
Below is an overview of the topics that are covered in Geography in Year 5.
River study
Children will:
use a map to identify water features in the local area
understand where the water we drink comes from
investigate the geographical features of rivers and their various uses
Study of a non-European country: Brazil
Children will:
identify the geographical features of Brazil and how it differs with the UK
explore the impact humans have on the Brazilian natural environment
learn about everyday life for children in Brazil
design technology
Below is an overview of the topics that are covered in Design Technology in Year 5.
Carnival Costume Headdresses
In this unit, children will create their own carnival costume headdress using a variety of materials which links to their study of Black History Month.
Pupils will be taught to:
understand the history of carnival and look at examples of elaborate head-dresses, discussing what materials they are made from
design their own headdress using examples to guide them
use card to make intricate flowers and decorations for their headdresses
use a variety of medium and materials to decorate their headdresses
assemble their headdress onto a headband so it is secure enough to wear when dancing
In this unit, spread over two terms, children will take part in a Farming STEMterprise project where they leran each stage of setting up a farm shop business.
Pupils will be taught to:
Consider seasonality when deciding which crop to grow
Grow their own ingredients
Consider nutrition when designing their recipes
Use market research to test their ideas out with potential consumers
Work within a budget when buying additional ingredients
Learn knife skills when making their products
Calculate expected profit
Design responsible packaging
Below is an overview of the topics that are covered in Art in Year 5.
Pop art
Children will sketch a portrait of Henry VIII and paint it using pop art techniques.
Pupils will be taught to:
explore the work of Andy Warhol
explore the use of colour and discuss the work of other prominent artists in the 1960s
explore mixing colours on a colour wheel
explore using complementary and analogous colours
Clay models
Children will make a Roald Dahl model out of plasticine. They will then make their final model out of clay.
Pupils will be taught to:
explore ideas for their character including pose and props
make and decorate a unique 3-D model, investigating ways of improving structural strength
become familiar with the nature of clay and small hand tools
learn a particular clay forming technique and produce a model using that technique
discover how to use different techniques to add detail to their models
Anglo-Saxon Illuminated letters
Children will created illuminated letters inspired by the Anglo-Saxons.
Pupils will be taught to:
research Anglo-Saxons in History sessions
look at a variety of scriptures that used illuminated letters
combine Anglo-Saxon pictures and patterns that represent them to create a composition making aesthetic choices
Below is an overview of the skills that are taught in Music in Year 5.
To practise the assembly song, click here.
Singing and Performing
♫ Children will be encouraged to sing with confidence by expanding their known repertoire across diverse genres and world cultures. They will improve breathing in phrases, singing in 2 or more parts. They will begin to explore tonality using sharps and flats, major and minor keys, and increasingly complex dotted and syncopated rhythms. They will perform famous works, traditional and world music using a range of instruments, and will be encouraged to share their own instrumental or vocal studies in class.
Improvising and Composing
♫ The children will will develop an understanding of melodic shape and line through graphic scores, and by reading and writing in steps and skips on the stave. They will learn about compositional devices such as ostinato, phrases and form, and will use these devices when they compose in groups. The children will use rhythmic notation to compose in groups within the un-tuned percussion section. Children will use xylophones to compose using the pentatonic scale, major and minor modes, and to arrange and improvise known songs by ear, and compose their own melodies to reflect story components.
Listening and Aural Awareness
♫ Students will listen to a variety of compositions, from Renaissance to Contemporary, to develop an understanding of form, melody, rhythm, tempo, style, modes and timbre. They will develop an understanding of the history of music by studying music drawn from different traditions, and from great composers and musicians. Children will be playing in xylophone ensembles as an accompaniment to a variety of musical genres and world music styles.
Autumn 1:
In this half term students will cover the following topics:
Adjectives to describe people
Adjective-noun agreement
Description essays
Autumn 2:
In this half term students will cover the following topics that have cross-curricular links to Music:
Musical instruments
Expressing opinions about musical preferences
Spanish Pop song “El mismo sol” by Álvaro Soler and Shakira
Spring 1:
In this half term students will cover the following topics:
Places in town
“Mi pueblo imaginario”. Students create their own imaginary town
Spring 2:
In this half term students will cover the following topics that have cross-curricular links to Physical Education:
Conjugation of the verbs “jugar” and “practicar”
Spanish song “El baile olímpico” by Enrique and Ana
Summer 1:
In this half term students will cover the following topics:
Discovering Gloria Fuertes and her poems about the weather
Summer 2:
In this half term students will cover the following topics that have cross-curricular links to Science:
Planet names in Spanish
Writing statements about planets
Using role-play to talk about the position of the planets in the solar system
Grammar: classifying nouns, adjectives and verbs
personal, social and health education
Year 5
They can identify ways to face new challenges. They can discuss some of the bodily and emotional changes at puberty and can demonstrate some ways of dealing with these in a positive way.
Health and Wellbeing
They can identify some factors that affect emotional health and wellbeing. They can identify and explain how to manage the risks in different familiar situations.
· Talking about puberty
· Male and female changes
· Puberty and hygiene
Living in the wider world
Children can respond to, or challenge, negative behaviours such as stereotyping and aggression.
Below is an overview of the units that are taught in PE and Games in Year 5.
Dance (Principals of Dance and Lyrical Dance)
The children will learn to adopt levels, transitions and lifts to their own routines. In dance genres, the children will learn the history, music and moves of lyrical dance. They will utilise what they know from the principals of dance to create their own lyrical dance routine.
Gymnastics (Floor and Apparatus)
The children will start to perfect the leaps, jumps and rolls they have learned in previous years. They will attempt more difficult rolls such as from one leg and they will learn partner balances. When using apparatus, the children will look at travelling, jumping and balancing in interesting ways. As well as continuing to use the wall-bars, the children will build their strength by climbing and hanging from the ropes.
Pupils will continue to develop their knowledge of running, jumping and throwing. They will build on their understanding from Year 3 and 4.
Pupils will build on their knowledge from Year 3 and 4. Initially, they will continue to focus on dribbling but as they become more confident they will start to learn to combine with their teammates.
Invasion games – Tag Rugby
The class will develop their understanding from Year 4. They will revise how to run with the ball and dodge past defenders. They will start to make decisions about when to run and when to pass and combine with a teammate to score a try.
The children first learn netball in Year 4 and this unit aims to progress from that. They will start with revision of the basic techniques of passing and start to think about moving off the ball and into space. Once mastered, the lessons will start to look at the defensive side of the game such as marking and defending as a team. They will start to look at some basic positions.
Net and Wall Games - Tennis
Having started to learn tennis in Year 4 this unit will start with revision of those basic skills. First without a racket - whilst playing simple rallies - before progressing to continuous rallies on smaller courts concentrating on the use of the forehand.
Striking and fielding - cricket
Children will progress from what they learned in Years 3 and 4. They will continue to use their throwing and striking skills but the focus will be more on using their thinking skills to make the game harder for their opponents and their social skills to follow the rules of adapted games.