Resources For Home
Click on the links below to print useful resources for home. Alternatively, have a look at the suggested websites below.
ICT, Special Needs and Inclusion – provides a comprehensive overview of useful sites for learning from home for children and young people with SEND
The Sensory Projects - a website that signposts and shares links to a range of resources aimed at supporting children and young people with a range of special educational needs and disabilities.
Helpful Hints for supporting Literacy - some helpful tips from our Barnet Specialist Inclusion Services on how to support your child with literacy.
Helpful Hints for supporting Literacy
The Communication Trust - resources for parents/carers to support children and young people with speech, language and communication difficulties.
Chatterpack - free speech and language communication and SEND resources for schools and parents/carers
Singing Hands – a website that helps us to learn Makaton. It includes well known songs and stories you can watch and teach yourself.
Fine Motor Skills Activities - a helpful resource with a range of fine motor skills activities from our Barnet Specialist Inclusion Services.
Gross Motor Skills Activities - a range of twenty gross motor skills activities from our Barnet Specialist Inclusion Services.
OTPlan – an OT search engine that gives a range of games and activities to support gross motor skill development using common household materials.
Rob Biddulph – a range of draw-along videos.
Managing Sensory Processing At Home - NEW COURSE
In response to a great deal of demand, we’ve created a course for parents and carers explaining sensory processing difficulties and how they can be managed at home.
Aimed at parents, carers, foster families, adoptive parents and adoption agency staff, this compact, online course employs plain English; easy-to-understand examples; animations and illustrations; fun quizzes; and interactive elements. It includes ideas on how to accommodate a child’s sensory needs at home, as well as signposting many useful resources. The course also outlines what help qualified sensory integration therapists can offer.
At about an hour in length, this course would make a great resource for therapy clients or a continuing professional development training session for adoption/foster agency staff. As well as being available directly to individuals, you can purchase the course in multiples of five to pass on access codes to clients or staff.
We want as many people as possible to better understand sensory processing, so we’ve priced the course to simply cover our administration and hosting costs. At only £5 this course is highly accessible and also includes free Bronze Membership to SIE for the people registering on the course.
Find out more about this new resource for parents and carers here.