At Garden Suburb Junior School, personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education is an embedded part of our broad and balanced curriculum. PSHE enables our children to become independent and responsible members of society by teaching them about their rights and responsibilities and by approaching the many moral, social and cultural issues that they will face in the wider world, in a safe and supported environment. Through our wider school ethos, children are encouraged to develop their self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community.
Our Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) also enables our children to learn how to be safe and to understand and develop healthy relationships, both now and in their future lives. We want pupils to reflect on and clarify their own values and attitudes and to explore complex, and sometimes conflicting values and attitudes. Within our RSHE learning, we learn about equality and challenge all forms of discrimination.
Through our PSHE and RSE curriculum we intend to:
- Promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
- Equip pupils to develop a confidence in sharing their own thoughts and opinions
- Teach our pupils about personal safety (online and offline) and ensure pupils know how to get help if needed and where to find it
- Deepen our pupils’ understanding of the fundamental British values of democracy, individual liberty, the rule of law and mutual respect and tolerance
- Celebrate the differences between people and appreciate the cultures that our diverse community can offer
- Foster high aspirations, a belief in themselves and realise that anything is possible with a growth mind-set
- Prepare pupils for their next key stage and an ever-changing wider society
- Develop their knowledge and emotional intelligence in order to understand today’s diverse society
- Nurture mental and physical health
- Respect others and discuss issues sensitively, thinking critically and developing relationship skills
- Reflect on opportunities and influences (such as from peers, media, culture) that may shape attitudes
- Develop knowledge and understanding of the changes that happen to our bodies as we grow and change
The scheme of work we provide (which follows the Barnet HEP framework) reflects the needs of our pupils. The curriculum is split into three core themes: Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World. Teachers are expected to use the school’s curriculum map to create lessons that follow this framework, so that themes are progressive as the children move throughout the school. We believe that PSHE plays a vital part of primary education and is taught weekly.
Using the Christopher Winter scheme, we teach RSHE, alongside our Science curriculum in the Spring/Summer terms. These lessons build on what the children have been taught the prior year, allowing them to reflect on their prior knowledge. We teach children about a variety of different kinds of relationships, including same sex relationships, because it is important that our children have an understanding of the full diversity of the world they live in.
To further promote ‘active travel’, safety on the roads and good citizenship, the school are part of STARS (A TfL community project) which monitors our school’s commitment to more active, safe and sustainable travel. In 2021, Garden Suburb Junior School was accredited Gold.
To deliver our PSHE and RSE curriculum we will:
- Ensure each classroom has a ‘Calm Corner’ space with a clear range of strategies and tools available for the children
- Teach children how to regulate their emotions through the Zones of Regulation
- Teach engaging, topical and relevant lessons once per week based on the school’s PSHE framework
- Ensure that personal, social, health and economic development in encouraged across all subjects where relevant
- Give children time to reflect on and record their thoughts and opinions
- Take part in regular events which promote spiritual, moral and cultural development and help to fundraise for the wider community
- Hold weekly assemblies to meet as a collective group to learn about and discuss important issues - ‘Jeans for Genes’ day, ‘International Day of Democracy’, ‘Children’s Mental Health Week’ and ‘international women’s day’ amongst many others
- Hold weekly class assemblies to tackle concerns and thoughts, discuss upcoming events and to reward and celebrate good work and behaviour
- Promote ‘active travel’ and good citizenship through the STARS Travel Scheme so children remain active and safe in their local area
- Deliver regular and up-to-date training on Safeguarding, Equality and Diversity and Online Safety
- Establish a wellbeing committee made up of staff members, which meets half-termly to discuss strategies to improve staff and children’s wellbeing
- Promote national initiatives such as Bike to School week, Road Safety Week, Walk to School Week and Clean Air Day
- The PSHE coordinator meets half-termly with the Travel Ambassadors to promote activities, competitions and safer travel around the school
- Work with the Barnet Walk Zone team, creating a personalised ‘Walk Zone Map’ which encourages park and stride in our local area
As a result of our progressive PSHE and RSHE curriculum, children are healthy and responsible members of society, are willing and able to collaborate, have a growth mind-set and respect British Values. Children leave Garden Suburb Junior School with self-confidence and a sense of self-worth as they approach the next stage of their education.
The impact of our PSHE and RSE curriculum is measured by:
- Children using respectful language to each other, adults and in the wider community
- Children effectively using a range of strategies, alongside the Calm Corner and Zones of Regulation to recognise, understand and manage their emotions
- Participation in events such as Walk to School Week, Bike to School Week and Car-Free day
- Children recognising and applying British Values of Democracy, Tolerance, Mutual Respect, Rule of Law and Liberty
- Children who are able to discuss ways in which to maintain a healthy lifestyle
- Children having positive, healthy relationships with their peers and adults
- Children demonstrating self-confidence and self-esteem
- Children understanding how diverse our society is and respecting and valuing this diversity
- Assessment for Learning opportunities throughout lessons
- Outcomes of children’s learning in their PSHE and RE books
Assessment within PSHE lessons includes questioning, observation and the monitoring of participation. Learning objectives allow teachers to be mindful of the assessment opportunities within lessons. This ensures that pupils are building on their skills and knowledge over time. Opportunities for self and peer assessment are embedded.
It is the role of the PSHE coordinator to monitor the subject through discussion with pupils, gathering evidence of written activities, checking medium term plans are following our framework, monitoring displays, promoting regular events and through ongoing discussion with colleagues.