The school had an Ofsted inspection in May 2022
The inspection identified that our school is a warm and friendly environment where all children are supported to do their best. It was encouraging that the views of parents/carers also echo this view, following the survey of parents/carers during the inspection.
The children are our best ambassadors and the inspection identified that:
‘Pupils behave well. They are calm, focused and engaged in lessons. When taking part in discussions, pupils listen and respond to each other respectfully. They are polite and well-mannered to their peers and to adults. |
It is a privileged to work in this community and the report reflects the culture of our school.
Thank you to the staff, parents and governors for their continued hard work and support, particularly during the last few years, which have been a challenge for everyone.
As a community, we have worked together to do the best for our wonderful children.
Please see the full report below.
Mrs Eileen Bhavsar
Head Teacher
Link to report on Ofsted website: