Governing Body Structure 2023 - 2024
Frequency of meetings
The full governing body meets six times per academic year, once every half-term.
The committees meet regularly throughout the year, usually once per term.
As per the Instrument of Government, Garden Suburb Infant & Junior Schools Governing Body has 19 governors.
From July 2016, the GB composition is as follows:
Two Parent Governors, one per school, elected by the parent community;
One Local Authority governor;
One Staff Governor representing both schools;
Two Head Teachers, one per school;
Thirteen co-opted governor places, including two co-opted governor places for teachers (one per school) and four co-opted governor places reserved for parents (two per school).
Governors have a four-year term.
Committee Structure & Terms of Reference Summary
To fulfil our responsibilities we have an efficient Committee structure made of six committees. Committees are composed of 4 to 6 non-staff governors, the two Head Teachers and relevant staff.
Committee membership and Terms of Reference are ratified by the Governing Body every year.
Committees meet once per term. The Environment, Resources and Audit committee has two meetings in the Spring term.
All committees have more responsibilities than the ones outlined below. Those are detailed in the Committees Terms of Reference.
All committees are responsible for reviewing all relevant policy and ensuring that all statutory requirements are fully met as per their Terms of Reference.
Curriculum and educational recovery
The main areas of focus for this committee are:
- Pupil progress and attainment data
- Pupil Premium strategy and reports
- English as and additional language (EAL) strategy and reports
- Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) strategy and reports
Environment, Resources and Audit
The main areas of focus for this committee are:
- The following plans: Building, IT and Data Management, Income Generation and Business Continuity
- Policies
- Environmental sustainability
- Insurance
- Audits and Schools Financial Value Standards (SFVS)
- Benchmarking and procurement
- Traded services
The Environment, Audit and Resources Committee is responsible for ratifying the school budget and monitoring it throughout the year.
Pupil experience and wellbeing
The main areas of focus for this committee are:
- Mental health and wellbeing
- Pupil voice
- Safeguarding
- Behaviour, discipline and exclusions
- Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
- Inclusion
- Enrichment
Equality, diversity and inclusion
The main areas of focus for this committee are:
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) strategy and Equality Plans
- Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) reports
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) data (pupils and staff)
- Governor Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)
The main areas of focus for this committee are:
- Staff wellbeing and workload
- Recruitment and succession planning
- Appraisal
- Pay policies
- Staff absence and conduct
Communication and Engagement
The main areas of focus for this committee are:
- Marketing and strategy
- Website and social media
- Parent voice and engagement
- Community engagement