Extra curricular activities
At Garden Suburb Junior School, we offer a wide range of extra curricular clubs that are rotated each term.
The clubs are very popular so please book your place early. A club place is allocated via ParentMail when payment is made. External agencies will confirm places with an email from the provider.
Here is a breakdown of the clubs provided for the academic year 2024-25:
Football Year 3 and 4 - Monday 3.30 to 4.30 pm
Football Year 5 and 6 - Tuesday 3.30 to 4.30 pm
To book, go to NonStop Action
Chess All Years - Thursday lunchtime
To book go to Register for School Chess Club | Rob Willmoth Chess Coaching (chesscoachingservices.co.uk)
Additional sports club
Taekwondo All Years - Tuesday 3.20 to 4.15pm
To book, email: info@takekwondox.co.uk and for further information go to their website at: Home | Titan Taekwondo
Dance - Wednesday 3.30 to 4.30pm
To book email: marimackenzie@mac.com
High 5s (Netball) Year 5 and 6 - Thursday 3.30 to 4.30pm
Register and pay through Parentmail
Any queries, please contact: admin@gsjs.barnetmail.net
Gymnastics - Monday 3.30 - 4.30 and Friday 3.30 to 4.30pm
To book go to Registration – Fun In Sport
Spanish Year 5 and 6 - Thursday 3.30 to 4.30pm
Register and pay through Parentmail
Any queries, please contact: admin@gsjs.barnetmail.net
Ukulele club Year 3 beginners - Thursday 3.30 - 4.15pm
Register and pay through Parentmail
Any queries, please contact: admin@gsjs.barnetmail.net
Lower school choir - Tuesday lunchtime
Upper school choir - Thursday lunchtime
Children are invited to join choir
Year 3 - Tuesday 3.30 - 4.30pm
Years 5 and 6 - Wednesday 3.30 - 4.30pm
Register and pay through Parentmail
Any queries, please contact: admin@gsjs.barnetmail.net
Barnet Council Childcare and Family Support
Please see the Barnet website for information about childcare and family support services that are available in the borough: Children and families | Barnet Council
For childminders and other childcare services, such as holiday clubs, please see the Barnet Childcare Directory: Synergy - Enquiry (barnet.gov.uk)
BACE Holidays (Barnet Active Creative Engaging Holidays) is a project delivering enriching activities and healthy lunches over holiday periods for those children and young people who currently receive free school meals. For further information please go to Barnet 0-19 Early Help Service - BACEHolidays - BACEHolidays (barnetyouth.uk)