Building Learning Powers
What is Building Learning Power (BLP)?
- Helping children become better learners
- Developing transferable learning power
- Preparing children for a lifetime of learning
What is BLP based on?
- The pioneering work of Professor Guy Claxton, who is programme consultant and chief inspiration for the programme
- An extensive body of research into learning and the brain
- Recent research into the key dimensions of learning power
- Practical trials in schools across the country
Benefits of BLP
- Increased motivation
- Increased enjoyment in learning
- Established habits of lifelong learning
- Enhanced creativity
- Supple learning minds
- Re-energised teachers
- Raised achievement at all levels
- Improved behaviour
Learning Powers
What we are doing in school
- Posters- around the school and hanging in each classroom
- LPs incorporated into all lessons
- Regular school assemblies with a focus on a LP
- New songs for assembly- tailored lyrics
- Comments on certificates for behaviour/work to reflect LPs
- Comments in books to reflect LPs with stars and wishes
How you can help your child at home
- Encourage children to do same at home- getting things ready for school, planning free time, managing resources, collaborative play with siblings
- Talk- about events at school, what they learnt rather than did
- Feed curiosity- develop enquiring minds- in Waitrose etc
- Build empathy- encourage kindness/ sharing- outside world/ news
- Be a good role model- not being rude, minimise mobile phone-use etc
- Encourage collaboration- share roles at meal times
- High expectations- hobbies/interests
- Demonstrate- ability to practise, persevere and be resilient
- Support the school as a valued place of learning – unequivocal research to prove:
“If you support the learning your child is doing at school, it positively affects how well they do.”
Recommended book for parents:
Great Minds And How To Grow Them- Wendy Berliner