GSJS celebrate World Book Day
Today, the children and staff at Garden Suburb celebrated World Book Day. Everyone was invited to come dressed as one of their favourite book characters and they made an excellent effort.
How many characters can you name in the above picture?
The children enjoyed several reading themed activities throughout the day starting with a teacher parade, where the teachers did a catwalk as their book characters. They saw some of the staff's extreme reading photos, learnt about the importance of reading and were told where they could exchange their £1 book token for a new book!
Throughout the day, they took part in 'drop and read', where children had to stop whatever they were doing and read when they heard the bell ring in the corridors. In the afternoon, children took part in paired reading activities with another year group, which offered them the opportunity to discuss their favourite books with new people. And finally, they visited a new classroom in the afternoon for a fun reading activity - from Mr Men kenning poems to making bookmarks.
For more information about World Book Day and tokens, click here.
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