Year 3 assembly on Jacob Lawrence

This week, year 3 explored the work of Jacob Lawrence in their assembly time.
Jacob Lawrence was born in America in 1917 and he died in 2000. At a young age, he showed a talent for creating lively pieces of art. At the age of 24, his work appeared in a gallery in New York City.
Jacob Lawrence’s paintings tell a story about Black history and his life experiences; they are representations of the emotions and feelings associated with the African-American experience. They portray both joys and sorrows. He was awarded the National Medal of Arts in 1990 and his work can be found in several American museums.
This children created quick sketches to show how they were feeling and discussed the benefits of art on our mental health. It helps us to;
•explore, express and talk about our thoughts, feelings and emotions;
•express ourselves without having to use words;
•manage uncomfortable feelings, such as anxiety, depression and stress;
•understand our own thoughts, feelings and emotions, meaning that we are more able to take care of our own wellbeing or ask for help if we need to.