Barnet Walk Zone Project

Last week, the Year 5 Travel Ambassadors began their Barnet Walk Zone project. Over the last half term, Year 5 have been learning about David Attenborough’s ‘A Life on Our Planet’ and his four imperatives to save the planet:
- recycle
- save our oceans
- stop deforestation
- reduce our carbon footprints
Focusing on the final imperative, to reduce our carbon footprints, we have teamed up with the Barnet Walk Zone team to create a map of our local area. This is so that we can demonstrate safe walking zones around the school in the hopes of reducing how many of us travel by car. The travel ambassadors donned their high-visibility jackets and walked around the local area, mapping how far they could travel in five minutes (bumping into a few excited parents en route!).
Over the coming weeks, our ambassadors will be creating a map to show our local ‘Walk Zone’ and will be launching exciting competitions to get everyone involved in our school effort to increase active travel and reduce our impact on our local environment.
To enter our poster competition, please check out the competitions page in the pupil zone.