Online Safety
Think You Know
The “Thinkuknow” website is brought to you by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) centre. There’s a lot of information here for both children and adults.
On this website, there is a CEOP 'Report Abuse' button that you can click if you are worried about online abuse. You can report anything that someone has done online that has made you or anyone you know, feel worried or unsafe.
CBBC Stay Safe
Do you know how to stay safe online? This website has quizzes, games and videos that will help you to keep yourself safe.
Childnet's activity zone has quizzes and videos to help you stay safe online.
McGruff is a Crime Dog - world famous for his advice on how to stop crime before it happens, and for his great sense of humour! Some of his work involves teaching children how to stay safe online. Check out the different areas of the site – there’s so much to learn!
Net Smartz Kids
Be totally cool and show your friends how much you know about Internet safety by watching the video clips on here. There are also loads of activities and games that will test your knowledge!
Safety Land
Safety land is normally a very nice place to live, but a nasty character is sending bad emails and messages. Captain Broadband needs your help to find the nasty character. You need to navigate around Safety land answering questions. When you have answered them all correctly, the nasty character will be taken to jail and you’ll become a certified hero, just like Captain Broadband.