Attendance and Punctuality
Garden Suburb Junior School takes attendance and punctuality very seriously. It is very important that children attend school regularly and punctually. This reinforces their sense of respect for the school and for others and ensures they develop good habits of timekeeping.
Start of the school Day
8.55am is the official start of the school day and children must be in their class by that time.
Any child who arrives after 8:55am is late and registration formally closes at 9:25am. Any child arriving after that time will be recorded as unauthorised late or absent, unless the reason given for the late arrival is accepted by the Head Teacher.
The doors open at 8:45am for a ‘soft start’. Children go to their cloakroom to put their bags and coats away. They will then go straight to their classroom where they will be directed to an activity. Registration is at 8:55am.
Support staff and members of the leadership team are available to support the children to move to class independently.
Members of leadership team are around the school entrances at the start of each day.
If children have an appointment and will be late coming to school, please inform Mrs Morgan Chiswick, Welfare Officer, in writing, prior to the day of the appointment.
If unforeseen circumstances occur and you think your child will arrive later than 8.55am please telephone the school and leave a message for Mrs Morgam Chiswick Option 1 or email the Welfare Assistant
Late arrivals and collections are monitored by the Education Welfare Officer from the London Borough of Barnet
End of the School Day
Children should always be clear about who is collecting them from school. All children should be collected by parents/carers from the playground at the end of the school day. Parents are requested to wait in the designated waiting area in the playground. Parents are also requested to supervise their children and not to allow children to play on the play equipment.
Lower School (Years 3 and 4) 3:20pm
Upper School (Years 5 and 6) 3.25pm.
If children are lone travellers (Years 5 and 6 only), parents should complete a lone traveller form and keep the school updated will any changes. Children are escorted to the playground by their class teachers from near their lining up place.
Children not collected on time are brought back into school and parents/carers are phoned. A valid reason must be given for the late collection. Persistent late collection is unacceptable and upsetting for a child. Registration with ‘Fun Time’ our after school childcare provider is essential if children cannot be collected on time.
If unforeseen circumstances occur, please telephone the school and give an estimated time of arrival so that your child doesn’t get anxious.
Any changes to normal pick up arrangements should be made in advance. In an emergency, please call/email the Welfare Assistant with changes of pick up arrangements.
Notifying the school of lateness/absence
Parents/carers are requested to call or email the school before 9.30am to notify any lateness or absence for that day.
If parents/carers do not inform the school by 9.30am, the school will ring them to find out the reason for the lateness/absence.
Absence from school, with no notification from the parents, could present a safeguarding concern. If the school has a concern about a family, this will be discussed with the EWO and a referral to MASH could be made.
Please click on the attached file to see the policy in full.